Two-Way Radio Hire For Security Teams

At EARS, we provide two-way radio hire for security teams up and down the country. Clear and reliable communications are vital for security teams in any context. Since security teams need to be constantly vigilant of their colleagues’ observations and movements, real-time communications systems are necessary to conduct their job effectively and efficiently. If communication among your security team is poor, this can create liabilities for the areas or people you are seeking to secure. One of the most common and reliable means of communicating in a security context is an up-to-date two-way radio system. For security teams, classic but modern two-way radios or “walkie-talkies” can make all the difference.
Who type of security are Two-Way Radios suitable for?

Two-way radios are used by security teams in corporate office settings, retail stores, banks, colleges and universities, film sets, music and sporting events, airports, and even private housing estates. In any of these settings, it is common for different teams to have their own dedicated channels, such as the catering team, the sound team, etc. Providing your security team with two-way radio equipment will not only allow them to keep in touch with each other but will also help in relaying information to the rest of your staff regarding any problems or emergencies. If you have a permanent infrastructure or a temporary event that needs securing, two-way radios represent one of the most common methods of ensuring that no threats can compromise them.
If you choose to hire two-way radios for your security team from EARS, you can also incorporate a variety of covert communications technology to facilitate specific security needs. These tools, like covert car-to-car two-way radios, are ideal for undercover personnel or even private detective work. Our company has supplied these tools for a variety of clients including several government bodies.
What Protection Can Two-Way Radio Hires Offer To Your Security Team?

In terms of technical details, security radios use a secure channel for communicating. Each security team using two-way radios will have their own dedicated channel, with up to 250 different channels available and you may have up to a thousand personnel on a trunked network. Two-way radios can feature an emergency channel, which, at the push of a button, can give your message priority over several channels. Lone worker check-in options can be enabled which send out a distress signal if a member of your team does not periodically check in at a designated time.
For extra protection and privacy on these channels, you can use an encrypted and secure channel radio to avoid being listened in on. This encryption technology is even used by the military to ensure that their communications are not intercepted. Hiring a two-way radio system from EARS Plc. is a sensible choice for your security teams.
Larger organisations will typically have a more elaborate security architecture that is bolstered by two-way radios. This can include a larger command centre with CCTV and repeaters for long-range two-way radio coverage of an extensive area.
Numerous additional features can provide enhanced security options for unique circumstances. Video walkie talkies, for example, can be used to record or send pictures. This video evidence can be used in a courtroom situation as evidence, which can be ideal for security guards or bouncers in nightclubs.
How Can The Security Team For My Area / Event / VIP Benefit From A Two-Way Radios?

Two-radio ensure your security team are connected at all times and will ensure your event runs smoothly. Before you begin your hire, we help you to consider the specifics of the area you are intent on securing. For example, you may need to install repeaters or other location-specific devices to ensure that the range of your area is covered by the two-way radio’s signal range.
Keep in mind that two-way radio communications are one of the most reliable methods of keeping in touch in the contemporary world. In war-torn countries, for example, where telecommunications infrastructure has been destroyed, two-way radios are one of the only forms of communication available. Closer to home, EARS Plc. has provided two-way radio systems to the likes of Bedfordshire Fire brigade for their mobile control centre vehicles and many private security firms.
EARS Plc. two-way radios can help to set up Shop Watch systems, such as at the Westfield Shopping Centres in Stratford. Each shop is equipped with a walkie talkie which allows staff to notify all tenants and security of potential shoplifters or suspicious people.
What Is Provided With An EARS Plc. Two-Way Radio Hire?

EARS Plc. can provide everything you need to set up a two-way radio system that meets the demands of your security team. More specific details of what equipment we can offer can be found on the main Walkie Talkies Hire page.
In addition, you can choose from several accessories and other technical equipment if the situation calls for it. You might, for example, see a need for noise-cancelling headsets in louder ambient environments, such as concerts or crowded areas, or loud hailers to get a message across to a crowd in a hurry. You might consider hiring enough extra batteries if some of your staff are highly mobile and away from a security post for extended periods of time. Operationally, in-ear microphones are a good option for more discrete communication needs. Should your two-way system fail to work properly, you can also consider a telephone interconnection system.
Keep Your Security Team Connected

Security teams must be able to do their job in all kinds of different conditions. In an emergency, you cannot rely on cell phones to keep in touch. Service towers and landlines might be destroyed or compromised. Two-way radios for security teams represent a reliable way of keeping lines of communication open throughout any contingency, though remember to keep those batteries charged! Hiring a two-way radio system for your security teams will help keep your building or event protected and safe from any known or unknown risk.
EARS Plc. offers two-way radio hires on both short- and long-term lease schedules. With EARS Plc., you can look forward to a professional team with decades of experience in the industry completing your delivery and setting up the equipment for you.
To find out more about what EARS Plc. can do to provide your security team with the two-way radio solutions it needs to function efficiently, contact one of our representatives today. We will be happy to answer any questions you might have and provide you with the tools you need.
Need to hire two-way radios for your next security team? Whether you have teams of retail security, office security, estate security guards or event security stewards, EARS will be able to help. Get in touch and our knowledgable account who will ensure you are provided with the latest comms technology at an affordable price.
About EARS plc
For over 20 years, EARS Plc has provided two-way radio hire and communications solutions to some of the UK’s leadings security companies. As a leader in the industry, we have the experience, technical knowledge and in-house expertise to deliver radio systems for any situation.
EARS provides two-way radio hire services to Sports Events, Music Festivals Schools Film Studios and Retail Stores. We have worked with some global brands, including Wembley, BBC, Renault, Universal, Walmart, River Island and Debenhams.